Ashley & Mike
Thanks, Colin, for always providing THE best photos of our most precious life moments.
Occasionally I’ll shoot a wedding with a theme or overarching tone that ties the day together from start to finish.
It might be a vintage feel or just a simple inside joke amongst friends.
However if I had to put my finger on it I would say the theme of this wedding was ass grabbing.
I’m not sure why — and I’ve stopped trying to figure it out — butt there was a lot and I’ll point out there were several wholesale, unadulterated arse poking photos which didn’t make the cut for this post.
Butt it needs to be said we all had an ass-grabbing, rump-shaking good time and if ever there was a claim to make about your wedding day, I think that’s a pretty damn good one.
- Oh yes, I can’t forget the man, the myth, the legend: A A Ron.