Katie & Chris

You can’t fake fear like this
When I think “wedding day” immediately my thoughts go to a groom riding a lawn mower down a hill with a plastic owl in his hands being pushed by his groomsmen.
Not really, but when the opportunity presents itself to see and take pictures of such a sight, you can’t really refuse it can you. This started when one of the boys jokingly pushed the lawnmower through the back of the frame while I snapped a few formals of our groom Chris. Then came the owl and Mike Joy got in on it all with a hoe.
Suddenly, the boys are pushing Chris down the hill — with some sense of urgency I might add. It was all a good deal of fun and so was the rest of the day.
Though I think the height of the day came around sunset, when we wound up at Signal Hill as the beautifully sunny that it was, slowly came to an end. The fog settling amongst the city behind while the sun cut fading strokes of light through the tallest of the buildings.