Wedding Trek on Newfoundland’s East Coast Trail
The photos he took of our wedding truly capture the happiness that we felt and the laughs that were had from start to finish. From standing on an anthill to get the perfect shot, to staying on the dance floor until the wee hours of the reception, Colin didn’t miss a beat! He captured every laugh, tear and funny dance move in his own unique way. We couldn’t have asked for a better photographer!
Highly recommend!
Hiking on Newfoundland’s amazing East Coast Trail for your wedding photography is not a standard fare for the big day.
Especially when you’re toting a bridal party of 15 people behind you, beers in hand — and they probably had no idea ahead of time? heh oops…
I should add, convincing someone to take a nearly 20 minute hike out to Cobbler Path on the East Coast Trail on their wedding day is no easy proposition.

Steph with Andrew in tow making the trek out the East Coast Trail to take some wedding photos.
There’s a lot to consider, primarily the gross factor: sweat. No one wants to get hiking-in-the-bush sweaty on their wedding day.
But with a little persuasion on my part it was just four days before the wedding that we found ourselves out on the trail doing a pre-scout to determine if in fact Steph could make the trek out to the ocean in her elegantly svelte wedding dress. Luckily the trail was easy walking and Steph and Andrew were both very much on board once they saw the views.
Fast-forward to the wedding day.
Firstly, we got a little unlucky with the fog, which had begun to roll in about 20 minutes before we arrived at the trail head. Unfortunate but not the end of the world, as we’d soon discover. Naturally with 15 people hiking 20 minutes through the forest, you’re going to draw a few groans and grumbles from the peanut gallery.
But all of that consternation was quickly allayed when we got to the edge of the earth and nearly half a dozen whales greeted us with a show. Skimming the surface chasing capelin and even giving a little waggle of the tail now and again.
And there’s no one who will complain about that.
For those needing a much needed carb-recharge our next stop was the scenic and luxurious… McDonald’s of Torbay Road, where Andrew grabbed two boxes of fries, nuggets, and hamburgers. All promptly devoured by the crowd on the bus. After all of this it was finally back to Yellowbelly for the reception, but not before a quick stop to Trapper John’s, where it all began.
- The chuch, one of my favorites simply because of all the amazing natural light!
- Whales! For Real! This happened! I didn’t tell them! :-D If you’re reading this Steph and Andrew, surprise!
- Let’s get out of here!
- After all of the windy coast line photography it was nice to dip into the trees for a quick session in the sunlight as it peeked through.
- Loving the colors, blue and white accent hues the low ocean fog was giving us in these photos.