• Stephen & Tiffany Chased Icebergs on their Wedding Day
    What more can you ask from a lovely Newfoundland wedding than no rain and boy oh boy did we ever cut it close. We dodged it all day, owing mostly to the fact the ceremony […]
  • Mike & Steph
    This post doesn't have a lot of text so here's a dad joke instead:
    What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?
  • Deanne & Craig
    This post doesn't have a lot of text so here's a dad joke instead:
    I thought the dryer was shrinking my clothes.
    Turns out it was the refrigerator all along.
  • Jason & Cathy
    One Word: Crazy Perhaps the most rambunctious and animated crowd I’ve seen in a while. At one point they were dancing and jumping so much in the back of the party bus I thought it […]