• My Love of Street Photography — A Photo Essay
    When I first began as a photographer I did so out of frustration with videography. This was back in the days just before the digital video explosion. You needed tapes to record your video to […]
  • Some of My All Time Favorite Portrait Photography
    This post doesn't have a lot of text so here's a dad joke instead:
    Why do fathers take an extra pair of socks when they go golfing?
    In case they get a hole in one!
  • Forest Fire in Flatrock
    On April 26th 2013 Torbay’s Volunteer Fire Department responded to a brush fire at the end of Deer Marsh Road. With the winds being quite gusty and a residential area downwind of the fire, they […]
  • Capelin Rolling in Middle Cove
    Patrick P. and his grandson Nick pulling capelin out of their net on a warm day in June at Middle Cove beach in Newfoundland. Met this guy coming up from the beach. Full’d up he […]
  • Environs & Denizens – A Collection of Photographs from Downtown St. John’s
    Downtown St. John’s is a place that’s near and dear to my heart. The people. The color. The sights. The history. There really is nothing like it. As a professional photographer a favorite aspect of […]