Sarina & Scott
This was a very cool wedding, involving a traditional Indian Saree dress then a change to a white wedding dress. It was quite the special day it was and I was ever so happy to be a part of it.
- Left: The saree awaits. Right: Putting the saree on.
- Inside St. Thomas Church.
- The saree flows in the wind just outside the church. Umbrellas on hand as it was one of those traditional days in Newfoundland.
- Having Fun – Jumping for joy on the left and on the right I’m making them run for the heck of it.
- Left: A family heirloom. Right: Looking out with St. Thomas Church in the background.
- On to the white wedding dress and to the reveal (right).
- The girls!
- Hanging out downtown.
- Kissin’ in the corner. :-D
- In front of the now missing Lyubov Orlova.a
- Cheers! and a fresh take on the “Newlywed Shoe Game”, so funny!
- First dance for the bride and groom. Congrats!
- Finally the hula hoop makes an appearance. Whata’ time we had!
- Throwin’ dice. Ahh yeah.